Does sea moss make you poop? And other digestive concerns
Last updated on October 12, 2022
Sea moss is a potent edible seaweed with wonderful health benefits. Thanks to the 92 minerals it contains, it helps restore nutrients' balance and treat a wide range of health issues.
It’s also a great prebiotic that many use to maintain a healthy gut flora and improve the digestive system. Its mild laxative effects help stimulate intestinal movement and get rid of bowel disturbances.
So, let’s find out more about sea moss’s effects on the gastrointestinal tracts and answer this serious question once and for all: does sea moss make you poop?
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Does Sea Moss Make You Poop?
Sea moss, also called Irish moss and scientifically known as Chondrus crispus, is a type of seaweed found along the northern Atlantic coasts. While the Irish people and the Caribbeans have used the alga for centuries, its popularity in the United States is relatively new.
Recent discoveries about its powerful health, wellness, and beauty benefits have propelled it from a simple food thickener to one of the most trending health supplements. Sea moss is now used to naturally cure a wide range of conditions including diabetes, obesity, skin issues and aging, heart diseases, thyroid disorders, mucus, or even coronavirus and some sorts of cancers.
But like any natural ingredient, sea moss does come with its own share of desirable or undesirable side effects. Yes, sea moss can make you poop more! It increases bowel movement and softens the stool, which is actually great for your digestive system. However, it should not cause diarrhea.
Why does sea moss make you poop?
Sea moss's impact on the gastrointestinal tracts, and especially the fact that it makes you poop, is one of its common side effects. Due to its high concentration of fibers and magnesium, sea moss naturally has a mild laxative effect.
Dietary fibers found in seaweeds like sea moss, bladderwrack, or kelp promote bowel movement. They increase the weight of the stool and soften it. This natural effect may cause sea moss to make you poop more often and even help you in case of mild constipation.
Related article: Zoom in on sea moss nutrition facts
Sea moss also contains a lot of magnesium. According to the US Department of Agriculture, 100 g of raw sea moss contains around 144 mg of magnesium. In comparison, bananas, which are known as one of the best fruits for magnesium, only have about 30 mg per 100 g.
Magnesium is also known to make you poop. It’s an osmotic laxative[1] that helps with bowel relaxation and softens the stool by pulling water into the intestines. Magnesium is used in numerous over-the-counter constipation treatments.
Related article: The complete list of minerals and vitamins found in sea moss
So, is sea moss a laxative?
Sea moss is not a laxative per se, but some consumers use it for its mild natural laxative effects. The advantage of sea moss against pharmaceutical laxatives is that it does not cause diarrhea. It simply helps soften the stool and makes it easier to pass.
It's important to note that while sea moss is safe to use, excessive consumption could be dangerous for your health. This alga contains high levels of iodine which is essential for our body but could cause poisoning if ingested in too large quantities.
If you want to use sea moss for other health purposes and avoid its mild laxative effect, start taking small amounts and gradually increase to let your digestive system get used to it. Most people find that after taking sea moss for a while, the bowel disturbances and laxative effects are gone.
Does sea moss cause diarrhea?
No, sea moss is not supposed to cause diarrhea. But diarrhea is sometimes an undesired side effect of sea moss. If sea moss gives you diarrhea, it may be because your body does not tolerate it well or because you’re eating too much of it. In that case, stop taking sea moss.
Related article: How much sea moss should you take daily?
Can Sea Moss Make You Constipated?
Sea moss should not make you constipated. As seen above, it’s supposed to have the opposite effect and help you go to the restroom more often.
But the effects of sea moss on the digestive system depend on everyone’s physiology, and some frequent users have reported being constipated from time to time. Constipation may be a sign that you’re overconsuming sea moss. Like any other product, overconsumption leads to undesirable side effects.
FAQ About the Effects of Sea Moss on the Digestive System
Does sea moss make you gassy?
Intestinal gas may occur when one does not tolerate sea moss well or is taking too much of it. If taken in a reasonable quantity, sea moss should not make you gassy or feel uncomfortable. Raw or dried sea moss often causes more gastrointestinal disturbances than sea moss gel or capsules.
Organics Nature Premium Sea Moss Gel
Capsules are a simple and efficient way to take sea moss.
Can sea moss help with bloating?
Yes, sea moss can help with bloating. Carrageenan, one of its main compounds, has a gelatin-like consistency that helps soothe the intestines and reduce gas and bloating.
There has not been any study on humans yet, but scientists from the University of California have tried feeding cows with seaweed to… reduce greenhouse gasses! They’ve found that livestock animals fed with seaweeds burped and farted much lesser and produced 80% less methane gas[2].
Ultimately, assuming that sea moss has the same effects as the red seaweed used in the study and that the results are transposable to humans, consuming sea moss regularly would help reduce bloating and save our planet!
Joking aside, many sea moss consumers report bloating relief. But keep in mind that too much sea moss can also cause bloating, so always stick to the recommended doses.
Is sea moss a probiotic?
Sea moss is considered a prebiotic, which is different from a probiotic. While probiotics are live bacteria found in foods, prebiotics are mostly fibers that feed your good gut bacteria.
By providing prebiotic fibers to your gut microbiota, sea moss helps crowd out the undesired ones and ultimately promotes superior gut health.
Does sea moss make you poop mucus?
Yes. While it may seem like a strange question, sea moss does make you poop mucus, somehow. Sea moss is one of the best natural ingredients to get rid of excess mucus when you have a cold. It helps dissolve the excess mucus that is then taken to the digestive tract and eventually pooped out!
Does Sea Moss Make you Pee a Lot?
Although scientific evidence lacks on that specific point, sea moss is sometimes used as a natural diuretic. Some regular consumers have reported that consuming sea moss daily made them urinate more frequently.
Can sea moss make you nauseous?
Although rare, nausea and vomiting are on the list of sea moss's potential side effects. Most of the time, it's caused by overconsumption which can lead to iodine poisoning. This could be very serious. Always stick to the recommended doses.
To avoid mild nauseous feelings caused by sea moss, don’t take it on an empty stomach and mix it with foods or drinks.
What about you? Have you tried sea moss yet? What effects does it have on your digestive system? Let’s share experiences so we can all learn more about this incredible seaweed!
[1] Gordon M, MacDonald JK, Parker CE, Akobeng AK, Thomas AG. Osmotic and stimulant laxatives for the management of childhood constipation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 Aug 17;2016(8):CD009118. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009118.pub3. PMID: 27531591; PMCID: PMC6513425.
[2] Red seaweed (Asparagopsis taxiformis) supplementation reduces enteric methane by over 80 percent in beef steers. Breanna M. Roque, Marielena Venegas, Robert D. Kinley, Rocky de Nys, Toni L. Duarte, Xiang Yang, Ermias Kebreab. Published: March 17, 2021https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0247820