Zoom In On Sea Moss’s Actual Nutrition Facts
Last updated on October 12, 2022
Are you confused about sea moss nutrition facts? You’re not alone!
Sea moss is one of the newest superfoods on the American market and reliable information still lacks. Even worth, hoaxes about its content and health benefits are everywhere.
At Organics Nature, we’ve been creating health and wellness products with the finest wildcrafted organic sea moss since long before the buzz. We believe our customers are owed detailed nutritional information about the supplements they’re purchasing.
So, we’d like to break the fake and tell the truth once and for all. Here’s what actually is in sea moss. Its detailed nutrition facts and nutritional benefits. What it contains, and what it does not.
Sea Moss Nutrition Facts
Sea moss, scientifically known as Chondrus crispus and commonly called Irish moss, is a red type of alga that naturally grows along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean.
Although it has its own specificities, it is nutritionally similar to other edible seaweeds like kelp, nori, or wakame. On average, one serving of sea moss (2 tbsp / 10 grams) contains:
- Calories: 4.9
- Fat: 0.016 g
- Cholesterol: 0 mg
- Sodium: 6.7 mg
- Carbohydrates: 1.23 g
- Fiber: 0.25 g
- Sugar: 0.061 g
- Protein: 0.25 g
Be aware that nutritional information varies from one sea moss seaweed to another. Seaweeds absorb nutrients present in the waters in which they grow. While wildcrafted sea moss is generally very nutrient-rich, the pool-grown kind (fake sea moss) has little nutritional value. Before buying Irish Sea Moss Gel, always check the nutrition label first.
Related article: What’s the difference between real and fake sea moss?
Each Batch of Organics Nature's Sea Moss Gel Comes With Detailed Nutritional Information
What is in Sea Moss Exactly?
The nutrition label gives us general information about sea moss's nutritional benefits. But what is Chondrus crispus made of exactly? What’s inside? What nutrients?
Edible seaweeds are nutritionally known for their high fiber content as well as their great mineral and vitamin diversity. Let's go into greater detail and dissect sea moss in light of the 7 main nutrient categories: water, dietary fibers, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
Like most plants, fruits, and vegetables, pure raw sea moss is made of more than 80% water in its natural state. Not only is water essential for our body to function, but the water contained in sea moss is packed with micronutrients, minerals, and vitamins.
Dietary fibers
Seaweeds are known to be a great source of dietary fibers which are the parts of the plants that the body can’t digest or absorb. They may seem useless then, but dietary fibers are essential to a healthy diet. They provide a feeling of fullness, help with weight loss, lower risks of diabetes, normalize bowel movement, and participate in overall health.
Related article: Does sea moss make you poop more?
Vitamins and minerals
The main reason why sea moss is one of the most in-demand superfoods is its high content and diversity of minerals and vitamins. It contains all 13 essential vitamins for our body and most of them in a significant amount.
Irish moss is exceptionally rich in minerals too. It’s a great natural source of calcium, iodine, zinc, sulfur, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, manganese, selenium, and copper, and potentially contains traces of more than 100 other minerals.
Related article: The complete list of minerals and vitamins found in sea moss
Carbohydrates or "carbs" are sugars, starches, and fibers found in foods. They're mainly used by the body for energy. Sea moss is low in carbohydrates. One serving (10 grams) contains an average of 1 gram of carbs, and most of them are from dietary fibers that aren’t digested. It’s a low-carb food that fits very well within weight loss or low-sugar and diabetic diets.
Related article: Is sea moss good for diabetes?
Like most plants, vegetables, and seaweeds, sea moss does not contain many proteins. There are about 0.25 grams of proteins in a 10-gram portion of raw sea moss. That makes less than 3 grams of protein per 100 grams. In comparison, chicken has more than 10 times that amount of protein and an apple has about zero. So, while sea moss does contain some proteins, it’s definitely not the first reason why you would use it.
Fats and fatty acids
Sea moss is a fat-free ingredient with close to zero grams of fat, which makes it a perfectly healthy food for people looking to limit their fat intake on a weight loss diet for example. It contains no cholesterol at all.
The little fat comes from unsaturated fats like Omega-3 fatty acids which are healthy and essential for the body. According to the US Department of Agriculture, a serving of sea moss contains about 13 milligrams of unsaturated fats, including 5 milligrams of Omega-3 (PUFA 20:5 n-3 EPA), making sea moss count as one of the best sources of Omega-3.
Related article: How can sea moss help you lose weight?
Sea Moss and Special Diets
If you're on a special diet, you may wonder if sea moss is good for you. While its nutritional richness makes it one of the best superfoods, sea moss may not be suited for every diet.
Keep in mind the following main nutritional characteristics of sea moss:
- Packed with minerals and vitamins
- Great source of dietary fibers
- Low-fat (but Omega-3 rich)
- Zero sugar
- Low protein
Before adding sea moss to your daily routine, make sure to read about how much sea moss is safe to take daily. While this seaweed offers great health benefits, overconsuming sea moss could be dangerous.
Related article: What does sea moss taste like and how to make it taste better?
Is sea moss vegetarian/vegan?
Yes, sea moss is vegetarian and vegan. This edible sea vegetable greatly contributes to balancing a vegetarian or vegan diet.
The most common nutrient deficiencies from plant-based or animal-free diets include omega-3, vitamin B12, vitamin D, zinc, and iron. Because sea moss contains high levels of zinc and iron, as well as numerous other minerals, it can help fill the needs here. It’s also a great source of Omega-3.
However, while sea moss offers significant amounts of 13 different vitamins, it only contains traces of vitamin B12 and vitamin D so it wouldn't be a sufficient source of these nutrients to compensate for a vegan diet.
Is it gluten-free?
Absolutely. Like any other seaweed, Irish moss is a naturally gluten-free food. It's considered safe for people with celiac and other gluten-induced disorders.
Is sea moss keto-friendly?
Keto or ketogenic diet focuses on a high-fat / low-carb principle, with moderate protein intake. Sea moss fits perfectly within a keto diet in the sense that it's a very low-carb food with little protein in it. It can also help treat nutrient deficiencies commonly occurring in a ketogenic diet.
Is it good for low-calorie and weight-loss diets?
Yes, sea moss is a great natural food to have if you're trying to limit your calorie intake or lose weight. One serving of sea moss is packed with nutrients but only counts for 5 calories.
Besides, sea moss is proven to help with weight loss. It regulates appetite by making you feel full, reduces body fat, and acts as a prebiotic to promote gut health and better digestion.
Does it raise diabetics’ blood sugar?
No, sea moss does not impact blood sugar levels. It contains no sugar and very little carbohydrates. It's perfectly suitable for a diabetic-friendly diet. Chondrus crispus is even believed to help lower blood sugars and decrease insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your question! For your vacation, I recommend taking sea moss capsules or gel sachets, as they’re both convenient and travel-friendly options. Our new sachets are easy to pack and take on the go, ensuring you can keep up with your routine even while away.
However, since you’re taking blood pressure medication, it’s important to note that sea moss can interact with these medications. We strongly recommend consulting your doctor before continuing with sea moss to ensure it’s safe and suitable for you.
Have a great trip, and stay safe!
Best regards,
Organics Nature
I need to go on vacation. I cant take the Sea Moss gel with me. Do you suggest the capsules or what? I am taking blood pressure medicines also.
Hi Tracie,
The nutrition labels are available on the pictures from the product pages.
Best regards,
Organis Nature
I don’t see the label for the nutrition value anywhere?